
Relationships can be tough enough to sustain without the added pressure of keeping up with the Joneses.  In today’s material world, some couples feel that they have to keep up with with neighbors and friends in possessions from their homes to their cars, jewelry, clothing and even activities and memberships to clubs.

If, as a couple, you have the money to go tick for tack in your neighborhood, it can still pose a problem, but that problem becomes compounded when money is an issue. And the problem becomes even worse when one partner is more obsessed with material possessions than the other.

The latter two scenarios can wreak havoc in even the best of relationships. Money is the number one reason for arguments between couples and is one of the top reasons for divorce. When a couple in a lower income bracket than their peers attempts to compete with material gain, frustration sets in that manifests itself in the relationship as resentment toward each other.

When one partner is more concerned with what they have and always wants more, the relationship becomes even more difficult. The one who desires everything resents the partner who cannot either give it to them or  help them get it, and the one who cares less about “things” becomes disconnected and cannot understand the insatiable lust for objects that the other has.

So how does a relationship battle this type of storm? Well typically once a couple delves into this slippery slope, there are already underlying problems that have pushed them to the edge already. It is important to re-evaluate how you feel about each other and take a look at what really may be going on. Sometimes those feeling unfulfilled by their sex life, look to material acquisitions to give them that same high they once shared through love making. Loss of intimacy, communication or desire for the other partner can be a huge culprit setting off a chain reaction that results in the need for more and more “things.”

If this happens in your relationship, work at restoring what you once had. Take the time to get to know each other again and do the simple things that once made you happy. A picnic, a bike ride, going to the beach, a candlelit dinner, etc. Reconnect and communicate more and once your fire is re-ignited, I bet you would rather snuggling your old couch with a bottle of wine than that expensive dress and heels, or his new Ferrari.








The Succulent Vagina

We all know that the vagina is as tasty and juicy as the most delicious fruit. Take a look at fruit that takes on the shape of our luscious vulvas.

























Sweet As Sugar?

Q: I thought it would be a good idea, and a tasty treat for my boyfriend, if I stuck a candy cane in my vagina as he went down on me for oral sex. Now I think I have an infection. Could the candy cane have caused it?

A: Most likely the candy cane caused a yeast infection. The sugar in the candy can disrupt the balance in the vagina, causing an overgrowth of yeast. There are products sold specifically for use inside your that are flavored and a much better choice.

Curb Your Vagina

Do you sometimes get blamed for having a big vagina because some guy has a small penis? For every wee-man, there is the accusation of the huge vagina and vice versa, and as Larry David says, “think of it biologically, why shouldn’t there be as many big vaginas as there are small penises?” Spoken like a true man.

Watch as Larry learns about the big vagina.

Leave the overgrowth of yeast to the bakers and keep your sexy little oven yeast-free! Every woman, at one time or another, has experienced the dreaded yeast infection.  Some are more prone to it than others, but there are ways to lower your risk of getting one.

The first thing to remember is that yeast grows in damp, moist environments.  That being said, what you wear down there can make a big difference. If you really think of your genitals as a kitty, then let it breathe. Cotton panties versus nylon, or at least those with a cotton lining, will draw moisture away from the body. Pantyhose, especially wearing them without panties, are the one of the biggest culprits in the overgrowth of yeast. And wearing tight pants an be a huge contributor to yeast infections.

Another no-no is staying in a wet swimsuit or workout pants/shorts. This creates the ideal environment for yeast overgrowth. Douches, scented tampons, and heavily scented soaps can also be huge contributors.  These products tend to throw the balance of good to bad bacteria out of whack.

Hygiene is important to combating yeast infections. Always wipe from front to back when using the bathroom, shower daily with a mild soap while rinsing thoroughly, let the area air dry completely before dressing and shower after strenuous exercise or sex.

Diet plays a part in warding off yeast infections. Yogurt contains live cultures that are a friendly bacteria, maintaining balance.  And acidophilus supplements are a great way to regulate bacteria reducing yeast infections. Keep stress to a minimum and try to avoid antibiotics if you can.  If antibiotics are necessary, speak with your doctor about preventative antifungal therapy at the same time.

Sometimes even the best oral hygiene, well balanced diet, and moisture absorbing clothing may not prevent a yeast infection. The best you can do is be proactive in your vaginal health, recognize it when you are infected, treat it early and try to maintain a healthy lifestyle afterwards to reduce the risk of reinfection.




We put lipstick and blush on our faces to bring out our natural beauty. Now our vaginas get a little beauty treatment to bring out that youthful glow that might get lost thr0ugh the years.

Sometimes our inner labia can becomes discolored by age, childbirth or any number of things. There are products that can restore a pinkish hue to our labia, and do what lipstick does for our lips. You may never leave home without your pussy-make-up again!

The labia dye is available in a variety of red to pink tones and is not permanent.


Summer is almost over and you know what that means. Halloween is right around the corner and some people take it very seriously, dressing up as those creatures that they love or hate, or better yet, love to hate. Dressing up as a vagina this year might just be next big thing. . .




















Vulvodynia is an often misdiagnosed ailment that over 10 million women suffer from for years without finding the proper treatment or relief. Symptoms include vaginal burning with severe pain that even fitted clothing can cause extreme discomfort.

The cause is not exactly known and theories range from hypersensitivity to Candida (yeast infection), injury to the nerves in the vulva and pelvic floor muscle spasms. Most often Vulvodynia affects the tiny glands at the vaginal opening that lie on top and at the bottom.

Tricyclic antidepressants have been used to block the pain as well as topical estrogen creams and anesthetics such as lidocaine. In extreme cases, surgery has been performed. Some of the newer forms of treatment such as the use of Capsaicin cream has had great success in reducing symptoms. The active ingredient with is chili peppers may cause initial discomfort but then offers a soothing reduction in pain. For those with Candida hypersensitivity, weekly doses of oral antifungal medication has been used successfully.

Recently, physical therapy has become valuable in treating the symptoms of this, sometimes, life altering ailment. By strengthening the pelvic floor muscles and correting misaligments, pain can be alleviated significantly. By working the layers of muscle that stretch between your legs and supports your organs, such as the bladder, uterus and ovaries, you will loosen painfully tight muscles, dramatically reducing pain.

There is no cure for Vulvodynia, but with proper management of pain and other symptoms associated with the ailment, women can lead normal lives that include a healthy sex life

Q: It seems like it takes me too long to climax, about a half hour, and I am afraid that my husband is getting bored, especially when he is giving me oral. Is there a way I can orgasm quicker?

A: The average woman takes 20 to 30 minutes to reach climax. That is normal. If you are focusing on the big O, it will actually delay it. Do not worry about him getting bored, instead switch it up and make it more interesting.  Not many guys measure time while they are enjoying sex. Use lots of foreplay and different positions and techniques. If he wants you to orgasm during oral sex, get your juices flowing by lots of kissing, then have him stimulate you with his fingers and you can even grind on his thigh while making out. Add some toys to the mix. Have him insert a dildo in you while he licks you. He doesn’t have to go straight for your clitoris with his tongue and stay there for 30 minutes until you orgasm. Remember that variety is the spice of life! Enjoy every minute of your love making and forget the clock!

Addicted to Sex?

Are your thoughts dominated by sex?  Do you feel unsatisfied after sex and want more and more?  Are you irritable if not engaged in a sexuality activity? If so, you may be a sex addict.  Sexual addiction is a real affliction that affects Americans in our society.  A sex addict tends to have a distorted view of sexuality and becomes obsessed with sexual fetishes or fantasies ranging from something as minor as phone sex to something as wild as S&M.  But often the root of the addiction really has nothing to do with sex itself.  Addictive personality is a disorder that can manifest itself in alcoholism, drugs, or even work, such as the workaholic.

A strong sex drive is not to be confused with a sexual addiction.  As long as there is a healthy desire and mutually satisfying sex, that person is not an addict.

However, excessive masturbation, multiple partners, affairs, lengthy time with online sex and phone sex are big warnings signs.  A person who is addicted to sex is often seeking acceptance and connection. Most often these people are very lonely and depressed and feel that sex is their only connection to other people.  It makes them feel real and alive for that moment.  The problem is that it doesn’t really address the underlying problem and is only a quick fix.  The addiction in itself can cause shame and fear and can cause them to withdraw further into their own world to protect their secret.

Sexual addiction can be a devastating illness, isolating the person and stripping away friendships.  The sex addict often spends time fulfilling fantasies, sometimes spending hours and hours alone.  Oftentimes these fantasies require money to participate which adds more stress. Addicts may lose their jobs due to absenteeism and tardiness, while they cater to their fantasies.  The addict’s world becomes smaller and smaller as they alienate their mates, lose friends, jobs and memberships.  Their secret can cause them to grow paranoid resulting in mistrust in an unknowing partner.  Sometimes an addict will share their sexual addiction with their partner but the partner may become overwhelmed with the frequency of sex or with some of the requests.  Most often a partner just does not understand and cannot help.  Relationships come to an end over the confusion and loss of communication between a couple.

Theories abound on what may cause sexual addition. Sigmund Freud’s theory on the Oedipus Complex – the insatiable need for approval, love and security from the opposite sex parent – gives some great insight into the problem.  He proposes that a sexual addiction is an in complete resolution of the Oedipus Complex.  A common reason for sexual addiction is that as a child the addict experienced chronic need deprivation which can manifest itself as anxiety when interacting or in any relationship that they have in adulthood. They look to sex for positive affirmation of themselves and for the ultimate connection and acceptance.

Top Ten Signs of a Sexual Addiction

  1. Are you pre-occupied with thoughts of sex?
  2. Do you feel incomplete without some sexual interaction on a daily basis?
  3. Do you have uncontrollable obsessions that dominate your life?
  4. Do you spend considerable time in sexual activity?
  5. Do you neglect obligations such a family, friends or work in pursuit of sex?
  6. Do you need more and more sex to reach your desired result?
  7. Do you feel irritable when you are unable to engage in sexual behavior?
  8. Do you still pursue your sexual fantasies despite negative results such as broken relationship?
  9. Are you engaging in sex with more and more partners?
  10. Do you engage in sex with disregard for health risks?

If you answered yes to more than three of the above you could be addicted to sex.  The good news is that sexual addiction can be treated through controlling addictive behavior through support groups and a 12 step recovery program.  There are also medications available that treat obsessive compulsive disorder such as Prozac or Anafranil.  A sexual addiction is an obsession and falls under the group of medical diseases that occur with unbalanced brain chemicals caused by stress, trauma or unresolved issues.